Successful Development of an Ultra-Miniature Rotary Engine
007【Our Technical Expertise】2024/08/11
~ Successful Development of an Ultra-Miniature Wankel-Type Rotary Engine (0.137cc) ~
In 2000, we were commissioned by a certain university in the United States (hereafter referred to as “the university”) to design and manufacture an ultra-miniature Wankel-type rotary engine (hereafter referred to as “RE”) with a displacement of 0.137cc. This article introduces that project.
The key to the success of this project was to achieve an ultra-miniature RE that could operate entirely on its own power. The university had independently designed and manufactured several types of ultra-miniature REs, but their engines would stop running if the starter’s output was reduced to below 50%, leading to unsuccessful development.
As a result, the university, after reading an article about our NR-20 series, approached us with a development request. After receiving a detailed explanation of the project from the university, we began the design and development from scratch using our proprietary technology. We successfully completed the 0.137cc ultra-miniature RE, which had an even smaller displacement than the university’s prototypes.
After delivering the ultra-miniature RE to the university, they conducted a hydrogen-fueled operation test, and we received a report that 100% self-sustained operation was achieved. This achievement marked the realization of the world’s smallest RE capable of 100% self-sustained operation at the time.
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